
This act is no longer performing, but check out our range of current acts at our sister site Christchurch Entertainment Bureau

Rhino is a rock covers duo

Ryan Hawes and Tony O’Brien have played in a number of local bands over the last 20 years or so (notably The Crush and Flying Blind) and therefore have plenty of experience in live band work.  We play live guitar, bass and vocals and use recorded drums, backing guitars and keyboards.

Our main differentiator is that we have recorded most of our backing tracks ourselves, rather than relying on Internet downloads.  This means we aren’t limited to only those tracks that can be found on the Internet and can therefore do virtually any song we choose (including a number of NZ songs, which are virtually impossible to find MIDI tracks for).  It also means that, because we use sampled drum sounds and record real guitars in the backing tracks, our backing track doesn’t sound computer-generated at all and is pretty much as authentic-sounding as we can get it.  In short, we can get a full band sound into a relatively small space.